Las presentes condiciones generales de venta (las “CGV”) constituyen una parte integrante de las Condiciones Generales de Uso que gobiernan el uso de los Servicios Alerti por profesionales que hayan contratado un Servicio Alerti (un “Cliente”).
Cualquier pedido de Servicios Alerti implica la adhesión sin reservas Cliente a las presentes CGV. Podemos modificar en cualquier momento a las CGV a condición de que aparezcan estas modificaciones en el Sitio web Alerti, las CGV modificadas serán aplicables para cualquier Servicio Alerti no pedido sea posterior a su publicación en línea.
Cuando no están definidos en los términos de las presentes Condiciones Generales de 30, los términos que comienzan con mayúscula vienen definidos en las Condiciones Generales de Uso.
Las presentes CGV tienen por objeto definir las condiciones en las cuales Alerti suministra al Cliente los servicios definidos en el artículo cinco de las presentes CGV.
Las presentes CGV son afectivas en la fecha del pedido de un Servicio Alerti y seguirán vigentes durante todo el tiempo que duren los Servicios Alerti tal y como éstos se definen en el artículo 5 de las presentes CGV.
Los Servicios Alerti Pro, Business, Empresa permiten a los Miembros (i) acceder a los Contenidos tratados y (ii) mantener estos Contenidos tratados en las estadísticas Alerti durante un (1) año.
Además, los Contenidos no tratados se conservan durante un plazo de un (1) año.
Se precisa que Alerti se reserva no obstante el derecho de suspender una Alerta y/o de suprimir el acceso a los Contenidos en caso de uso manifiestamente excesivo o abusivo del Servicio Alerti, que dé lugar para Alerti, con respecto al coste de almacenamiento de los Contenidos en cuestión, a un precio de venta del servicio a pérdida.
El Servicio Pro, Business, Empresa se suscribe para una duración de 1 mes, 3 meses o 1 año.
6.1 Precio de los servicios Alerti
Como contrapartida por el suministro de los Servicios Alerti, el Cliente debe pagar el precio (el “Precio”) cuyo importe antes de impuestos, definido a continuación para cada Servicio, se valida con ocasión de cualquier pedido:
El precio del Servicio Alerti Pro está fijado para cada Miembro, de la siguiente manera:
El precio del Servicio Alerti Business está fijado para cada Miembro, de la siguiente manera:
El precio del Servicio Alerti Empresa está fijado para cada Miembro, de la siguiente manera:
Estos precios están sujetos a un consumo mensual máximo de :
These prices are subject to the following maximum monthly consumption :
- 10.000 resultados por mes con Alerti Pro
- 50.000 resultados por mes con Alerti Business
- 100.000 resultados por mes con Alerti Empresa
- 1M de fans por página de Facebook con Alerti Pro
- 2M de fans por página de Facebook con Alerti Business
- 5M de fans por página de Facebook con Alerti Empresa
6.2 Condiciones de pago
El Precio de los Servicios Alerti es pagadero en el momento del pedido.
Cuando realiza un pedido, el Cliente paga del importe del Precio mediante tarjeta de crédito o por paypal.
El pago electrónico por tarjeta de crédito está asegurado por un terminal de pago electrónico alojado en un servidor seguro que se hace cargo de la seguridad de la validez de las transacciones. Los datos bancarios del cliente están cifrados y en ningún caso se transmiten a Alerti.
En caso de que el organismo bancario facture a Alerti gastos por falta de pago imputable al Ccliente (por ejemplo por falta de fondos en la cuenta), la totalidad de estos gastos serán facturados al Cliente
6.3 Modificación de precios
Alerti se reserva la posibilidad de cambiar los precios de sus servicios con una noticia de 30 días. Toda modificación de precios será notificada por email e indicada sobre la pagina de precios
El Cliente reconoce expresamente que la ejecución de los Servicios Alerti comienza inmediatamente a partir de su pago y en cualquier caso antes de que finalice un plazo de siete días cabales.
El Cliente reconoce que no podrá ejercer ningún derecho de retractación.
Alerti se compromete a utilizar todos sus recursos para la ejecución de los Servicios Alerti.
No obstante, en caso de incidencias técnicas de la red Internet, Alerti no está sujeta, con respecto a la ejecución de los Servicios, más que a una obligación de medios y no de resultado.
Alerti se reserva el derecho de suspender temporalmente los Servicios Alerti por motivos técnicos o de mantenimiento sin que dichas suspensiones den derecho a ningún tipo de indemnización en favor del Cliente.
Alerti se compromete a limitar al máximo dichas interrupciones.
Nos preocupa el respeto de la vida privada de nuestros Usuarios Haga clic aquí para ver la Carta de Confidencialidad de Alerti.
Las obligaciones estipuladas en las presentes CGV serán suspendidas en caso de que se produzca un evento de fuerza mayor. Alerti no podrá ser considerada responsable de ningún retraso ni de falta de ejecución de los Servicios.
Si el evento de fuerza mayor tiene una duración superior a 40 días, cada una de las partes podrá rescindir el presente contrato con un efecto inmediato, sin indemnización.
Alerti conservará de modo confidencial la información de cualquier naturaleza que le haya sido transmitida por el Cliente o de la cual haya podido tomar conocimiento a lo largo de la ejecución de los Servicios Alerti. La obligación de confidencialidad continúa más allá de finalizar la validez de las presentes condiciones, sea cual sea su causa, con duración ilimitada.
No obstante, Alerti no podrá quedar sujeta a ninguna obligación de confidencialidad en lo que respecta a los Contenidos.
Alerti puede reactualizar regularmente las presentes Condiciones Generales de Venta con arreglo a cualquier evolución de la ley o de las técnicas. Se invita al Cliente a que las consulte regularmente.
Alerti SARL, une sociedad de responsabilidad limitada cuya sede social está situada en el 7/9 rue Pelée en París (75011), inscrita en el Registro de Comercio de París con el número 501 993 778, (en adelante denominada “Alerti”) es quien tiene la explotación del sitio web al que se accede en la dirección (el “Sitio web Alerti”), que permite a sus miembros (los “Miembros”) vigilar y actuar sobre su identidad digital.
Lea atentamente las presentes condiciones de uso (las « Condiciones Generales de Uso”). Si se niega a estar sujeto a estas Condiciones Generales de Uso, debe salir del Sitio web Alerti. Si desea hacerse Miembro y/o utilizar el Sitio web Alerti, debe leer las presentes Condiciones Generales de Uso y aceptarlas en el curso del proceso de inscripción.
Las presentes Condiciones Generales de Uso son aceptadas en el momento en que utiliza el Sitio web Alerti o cualquiera de los Servicios Alerti.
Al usar el Sitio web Alerti, acepta quedar sujeto a las presentes Condiciones Generales de Uso.
Acepta ambién estar sujeto a las Condiciones Generales de Uso de Twitter ( y de Youtube (
Las presentes Condiciones Generales de Uso constituyen la integralidad del contrato establecido entre usted y Alerti en relación con el uso del Sitio web Alerti; son aplicables incluso en caso de suscripción de un Servicio Alerti, salvo estipulación en contrario en las Condiciones Generales de Venta.
Además de las definiciones que figuran en las presentes Condiciones Generales de Uso, para las necesidades presentes, los términos siguientes se definen como se indica a continuación:
Alerta: designa el seguimiento automático por el Sitio web Alerti de los Contenidos relacionados con una o varias Palabras clave, publicadas en Internet por los Editores.
Contenidos: designa los textos, artículos, publicaciones, vídeos, imágenes, así como todo contenido publicado en la red Internet por los Editores, indizado por el Sitio web Alerti al número de resultados de una Alerta.
Palabras clave: designa los términos elegidos por un Miembro para las necesidades de una Alerta.
Las presentes Condiciones Generales de Uso tienen por objeto definir las condiciones en las cuales acepta utilizar el sitio web Alerti y, si es caso, bajo reserva de los términos de las Condiciones Generales de Venta, los Servicios Alerti.
Alerti se reserva el derecho de modificar las presentes Condiciones Generales de Uso en todo momento; toda modificación entrará entonces en vigor nada más ser publicada por Alerti en el Sitio web Alerti. Un uso continuo por su parte del Sitio web Alerti después de que Alerti haya publicado una nueva versión de las Condiciones Generales de Uso constituye su consentimiento a esta nueva versión. Por consiguiente, es importante que lea regularmente las presentes Condiciones Generales de Uso con el fin de asegurarse de que conoce cualquier cambio que pudiera aportarse a las mismas.
El uso del Sitio web Alerti y la inscripción como miembro (la “Adhesión”) se considerarán como nulos y no convenidos si se realizan violando las presentes condiciones. Al utilizar el Sitio web Alerti, declara y garantiza que su uso del Sitio web Alerti no infringe ninguna ley ni reglamento en vigor.
Cuando se inscriba para hacerse Miembro, le pediremos que elija un identificador compuesto por un Nombre de usuario y una contraseña (su “Identificador”). Usted es totalmente responsable de mantener la confidencialidad de su Identificador. Usted acepta no utilizar la cuenta, el nombre de usuario o el identificador de otro Miembro en ningún momento y no divulgar su Identificador a un tercero. Acepta advertir inmediatamente advertir a Alerti en caso de que sospeche de un uso no autorizado de su cuenta o de un acceso a su Identificador. Usted es el único responsable de cualquier utilización de su cuenta.
El Sitio web Alerti permite a sus Miembros establecer Alertas por medio de Palabras clave.
Para cada Alerta, el Sitio web Alerti permite al Miembro acceder a Contenidos sin que Alerti intervenga en su clasificación y bajo reserva de las condiciones de acceso o de archivado de los Editores.
Alerti no es ni editor ni moderador de los Contenidos.
Se pone a disposición de los Miembros herramientas de software que permiten en particular:
Los Miembros acceden a herramientas estadísticas que tratan sobre los Contenidos que han sido objeto de uno de los tratamientos siguientes (un “Contenido tratado”).
Hay funciones que permiten asignar una o varias tareas a otros Miembros para cada Contenido y seguir el avance.
El acceso a los Contenidos tratados así como a las estadísticas al respecto se conserva durante un periodo de siete (7) días.
Sólo se puede exigir a Alerti una obligación de medios en lo que respecta al funcionamiento del Sitio web Alerti.
No se puede hacer responsable a Alerti de ningún error, omisión, interrupción, supresión de cualquier defecto, retraso de funcionamiento o de transmisión, robo o destrucción o acceso no autorizado, o de cualquier otra alteración de la comunicación con cualquier Usuario.
Alerti y se reserva el derecho de suspender temporalmente el acceso a sus servicios por motivos técnicos o de mantenimiento sin que dichas operaciones den derecho a ningún tipo de indemnización. Alerti se compromete a limitar al máximo de sus posibilidades este tipo de interrupción.
Alerti se compromete a hacer todo lo posible por garantizar la seguridad y la confidencialidad de los datos intercambiados, si se da el caso, en el contexto de su uso del Sitio web Alerti.
Los elementos del Sitio web Alerti y en particular los grafismos, logotipos, dibujos, textos, iconos, scripts, aplicaciones, programas informáticos, funcionalidades, así como su selección y su combinación, a excepción de los Contenidos, (denominados colectivamente “Contenido del Sitio web”) son propiedad exclusiva de Alerti o de sus derechohabientes. La reproducción, la imitación o la colocación, parcial o total de marcas y dibujos y de modelos pertenecientes a Alerti está estrictamente prohibida sin el acuerdo previo por escrito de Alerti.
El Contenido del Sitio no puede ser modificado, copiado, distribuido, enmarcado, reproducido, descargado, mostrado, publicado, transmitido o vendido bajo cualquier forma o por cualquier medio que sea, de manera íntegra o parcial, sin el acuerdo previo por escrito de Alerti.
Está usted autorizado a utilizar en Sitio web Alerti y el Contenido del Sitio en las condiciones previstas en las presentes. Todo uso del Sitio web Alerti o del Contenido del Sitio que no sea el previsto por las presentes condiciones, o que contravenga la legislación aplicable o los derechos de terceros queda estrictamente prohibido y conllevará la rescisión del derecho de uso del Sitio Alerti. La Sociedad puede poner fin a este derecho de uso en cualquier momento, con o sin motivo, y sin aviso previo.
Además, acepta no utilizar en Sitio web Alerti o los Servicios Alerti para:
Las Alertas dan lugar a vínculos hacia los Contenidos publicados por Editores terceros. En este sentido se precisa que Alerti no garantiza la exactitud, la pertinencia, o la exhaustividad de los Contenidos ni puede ser considerada responsable de la totalidad parte de dichos Contenidos.
En la medida en que se nos notifique la existencia de elementos publicados en el Sitio web Alerti susceptibles de constituir una violación de los derechos de propiedad intelectual (derecho de autor, dibujo, modelo, marca) o una violación de los derechos de la persona (derecho a la imagen, derecho al respeto de la vida privada) o un Contenido ilícito, eliminaremos o desactivar hemos rápidamente el acceso a los elementos en cuestión. Si constata la violación de derechos de propiedad intelectual o de derechos de la persona en los Contenidos, pueden remitir una notificación escrita por correo electrónico a la dirección alerti[arroba]alerti[punto]com, indicando la siguiente información: (a) identificación del contenido en cuestión, (b) información que nos permita situar el contenido en cuestión dentro del Sitio web Alerti, © información que nos permita con otros en contacto con usted, (apellido, nombre, si es pertinente nombre de la entidad en nombre de la cual usted interviene, dirección, número de teléfono y dirección electrónica), (d) declaración, si es pertinente, de que es usted titular de los derechos de propiedad intelectual o de los derechos de la persona en cuestión o de qué está usted autorizado a actuar en nombre de dicho titular (entendiéndose que no se requiere ninguna cualidad específica en lo que respecta al Contenido ilícito).
Consulte nuestras Condiciones Generales de Venta para conocer las disposiciones que se aplicará los servicios Alerti al realizar cualquier pedido donde Servicios a Alerti, acepta sin reservas estar sujeto a las Condiciones Generales de Venta. Las Condiciones de venta pueden ser objeto de modificaciones en cualquier momento y sin aviso previo, a juicio exclusivo de la Sociedad. Por tanto usted debe consultarlas cada vez que haga un pedido de Servicios.
Nos preocupa el respeto de la vida privada de nuestros usuarios Declaración CNIL N°1482565
Las Condiciones Generales de Uso, en su presente redacción o en su redacción modificada si es el caso por Alerti, seguirán vigentes durante todo el tiempo que dure su utilización del Sitio web Alerti y/o de los Servicios Alerti.
Alerti podrá rescindir su inscripción como Miembro, con o sin aviso previo, en cualquier momento y a su entera discreción.
Salvo en caso de aplicación de una ley imperativa – la cual sólo se aplicará en la estricta medida de su objeto, se estipula expresamente que (i) las presentes Condiciones Generales de Uso están sometidas a la ley francesa y que (ii) cualquier litigio entre usted y Alerti con respecto al uso del Sitio o de los Servicios Alerti será sometido a la jurisdicción de los tribunales competentes de París.
This Confidentiality Policy forms an integral part of the General Conditions of Use accessible here" and the General Conditions of Sale accessible here (hereafter together the “GC”), and the definitions used in the GC are reused in this Confidentiality Policy.
The purpose of this Confidentiality Policy is to inform Users and Data Subjects on how their Personal Data are collected by the Alerti Website, how they are processed by the Controller and lastly the Users’ rights with respect to this Processing as defined below.
The terms below will have the following definition whether they are used in the singular or plural in this Confidentiality Policy :
A. Identifiers
The User will, at the end of the process for creating the User’s account, possess the Identifiers which the User must keep in accordance with the instructions in the General Conditions of Use.
The User undertakes to keep these Identifiers strictly confidential and to only use them for a strictly personal use, which covers use by its Employees for whom it stands as guarantor for.
Any access to the Alerti Website using the User’s Identifiers is automatically deemed to have been performed by the User under the User’s liability.
In the event of the unauthorised use or the suspicion of the unauthorised use of the User’s account (especially in the event of loss, theft or any fraudulent action with respect to the Identifiers), the User must, in addition to informing Alerti of this, prove his or her identity by using any means.
The User is liable for the use of the Identifiers by third parties up until Alerti has been informed.
On receipt of its duly established notification, Alerti will send the User an email enabling it to update its Identifiers which the User will be responsible for keeping strictly confidential.
If Alerti has legitimate reasons for believing that the security of the Alerti Website has been breached and/or that an incorrect use of all or part of the Services is due to an unauthorised use of the Identifiers by one or several Users, Alerti can temporarily suspend access to the account of the User concerned in order to protect the integrity of the Alerti Website and the data and if necessary require the User to modify his/her Identifiers.
B. The purposes of the Processing the Personal Data by the User
The User is exclusively liable for the Personal Data of Employees the User collects from the Alerti Website notably with respect to their activity on the Alerti Website and for the Processing the User performs using the Services.
The User is therefore responsible for ensuring that the Personal Data of the Employees and the Processing which the User performs via the Services are a) processed legally, fairly and transparently with regards to the Data Subject ; b) are collected for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes, and are not subsequently processed in a way which is incompatible with these purposes; c) adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary with respect to the purposes for which they are processed (data minimisation; d) accurate and if necessary kept up-to-date; e) kept in a form which permits the identification of Data Subject for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the Personal Data are processed ; f) processed in a way that ensures appropriate security for the Personal Data.
The User can in particular obtain Alerti’s assistance for Processing requests to exercise Specific Rights sent to it by the Data Subject including by its Employees. It therefore has to send Alerti precise and understandable requests as well as a delivery deadline which cannot be less than ninety-two (92) working hours.
C. The use of Key Words in all or part of the Personal Data
It is, as far as is required, reiterated that Alerti does not control the Content or the Key Words selected by the User or the Content which is generated, and that it must therefore be considered to be a technical intermediary within the meaning of the act n°2004-575 of 21 June 2004 for trust in the digital economy.
The use of the keyword which is totally or partially composed of Personal Data is a Processing of Personal Data for which the User is the Controller.
Therefore, and without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph V below, the User, in his or her capacity as the Controller, guarantees Alerti that this Processing is lawful i.e. that at least one of the following conditions are satisfied :
In any event, the User is prohibited from using a Personal Data as a keyword which i) designates a minor under fifteen (15), unless the child’s parents have consented to this and/or ii) is likely to permit “sensitive” Personal Data within the meaning of the Legislation on Personal Data to be processed.
The User guarantees Alerti that it will inform the Data Subject whose Personal Data are processed within the scope of the Services especially in relation to a keyword, in a timely manner and in the forms required by the Legislation on Personal Data.
The User can in particular obtain Alerti’s assistance to process requests for exercising Specific Rights which are sent to it by the Data Subject whose Personal Data are used as Key Words. The User will then have to send Alerti a precise and comprehensible request as well as a delivery deadline which cannot be less than ninety-two (92) working hours.
The consequences for the User if a Data Subject makes a request to Alerti to exercise Specific Rights are detailed in paragraph VII below.
As far as is required, the User is reminded that the Alerti Website offers a functionality which enables it to exclude one or several Key Words from the Content and that it is must use this, if it is the sole recipient of a request to exercise a right of opposition from a Data Subject and for informing the said Data Subject of this as a consequence.
D. The use of Content which is totally or partially composed of Personal Data
Alerti conserves the Content in accordance with paragraph IV, C. below.
The User has access, via the Alerti website, to Content which is generated by the Services exclusively because of the User’s instructions, without Alerti’s control and which are conserved for the sole purpose stipulated by the User, which can extract them. The User is therefore solely liable in his/her capacity as the Controller, for his/her use of the Content. The User must therefore process this Content, including, if necessary, Personal Data, in accordance with the Legislation on Personal Data and this Confidentiality Policy.
A. The legal grounds for the Processing by Alerti
In accordance with the Legislation on Personal Data, the Processing which is covered by this Confidentiality Policy has a specific legal basis.
1. The Processing necessary for performing your contractual dealings with Alerti
The User must accept these GC before he/she can use the Alerti Website.
These documents formalise a contractual relationship between the User and Alerti which serves as the legal basis for Alerti at the very least, collecting and Processing the Personal Data of its Employees.
These Personal Data are required to perform a certain number of Processings connected to the performance of the contractual relationship with the User, the purposes of which are detailed in paragraph IV, B. of this Confidentiality Policy.
2. The Processing required for a legal obligation which Alerti is subject to
The Processing by Alerti may also be required under a legal obligation, such as the decree n°2011-219 February 5, 2011 concerning the conservation and disclosure of data enabling any person who contributed to the creation of online Content to be identified.
B. The purposes of Processing the User’s Personal Data by Alerti
The User’s Personal Data are necessary for Alerti to enable the User to access the Alerti Website and the Services and to use and improve them and to permit Alerti :
C. The collection of the User’s Personal Data on the Alerti Website
Alerti collects, when the account is created and then as it is completed, the following Personal Data which the User either enters or communicates when browsing and which are conserved on an active base, throughout the period of the User’s Subscription to the Services from the User’s last connection to the Alerti website and for a period of three (3) years:
The above Personal Data also are kept in Intermediate Archiving for an additional period of two (2) years in accordance with the prescription period.
The above Personal Data are also are conserved in Intermediate Archiving for an additional period which can be up to ten (10) years in accordance with the Controller’s tax and accounting obligations.
Only the Personal Data which is designated on the Alerti website as compulsory are essential for using the Alerti website and the Services.
D. Recipients or categories of recipients of the User’s Personal Data
- Country : USA
- Nature of data transferred : Surname, first name, email address, address, telephone
- Purpose of the planned transfer : Hosting the database
- Level of protection offered by the country or exception stipulated by the Legislation on Personal Data : European Commission’s Standard Contractual Clauses
- Country : USA
- Nature of data transferred : email address
- Purpose of the planned transfer : Sending alerts
- Level of protection offered by the country or exception stipulated by the Legislation on Personal Data : European Commission’s Standard Contractual Clauses
- Country : USA
- Nature of data transferred : Surname, first name, email address
- Purpose of the planned transfer : Analysis of the functionalities used to improve the Service and personalise communication
- Level of protection offered by the country or exception stipulated by the Legislation on Personal Data : European Commission’s Standard Contractual Clauses
- Country : USA
- Nature of data transferred : Surname, first name, email address
- Purpose of the planned transfer : Support and chat Service with Users
- Level of protection offered by the country or exception stipulated by the Legislation on Personal Data : European Commission’s Standard Contractual Clauses
E. Security of Internet transactions
In accordance with the General Conditions of Sale, the Alerti website uses the technology of the PayPal and the CIC (Crédit Industriel et Commercial) companies in order to guarantee the security of banking transactions by User.
Thus when a payment is made on the Alerti website, the User’s bank account details are transmitted in an encrypted form to CIC and PayPal, and unknown to Alerti.
Alerti does not collect either the complete number of the User’s bank card or its cryptogram.
If the User wishes to exercise the rights identified in paragraph VII above such as Specific Rights relating to the details of the bank card and the transaction performed, the User should contact PayPal and CIC directly. Alerti can provide the User with their contact details and the methods of contacting them.
F. The security of the User’s password
Alerti takes full precautions to ensure that the User’s password and, if necessary, the password of its Employees is stored securely.
However the security of this password also depends on its composition.
The User is therefore reminded that in order for the User’s password to be valid it must be composed of a minimum of eight (8) characters.
Mnemomic techniques exist to create complex passwords such as :
The Users can generate Content using Key Words selected by them.
Alerti must therefore be considered to be a technical intermediary with the meaning of the Act n° 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for trust in the digital economy, and is therefore unable to control the Key Words selected by the User or the Content generated.
Alerti will therefore intervene in its function of managing the Content in the User’s name and on its behalf as the processer of the Personal Data within the meaning of the Legislation on Personal Data.
The Personal Data of the Data Subjecting the Content were not collected from the said Data Subject but from third-party publishers which makes them freely accessible on the Internet.
However it may be clearly impossible to supply information (within the meaning of the Legislation on Personal Data) to the said Data Subject and therefore obtain their consent and/or would require disproportionate efforts.
Alerti therefore provides the User with measures which the User considers are appropriate in order to protect the rights and freedoms and the legitimate interests of the Data Subjecting particular by i) making this Confidentiality Policy accessible to everyone i) implementing technical means to exclude certain results from the Content generated.
The Data Subject can also approach Alerti in order to perform his or her Specific Rights under the terms and conditions of paragraphs VII and VIII below case you were.
The Alerti website is hosted by Amazon whose contact details are available by clicking here
All precautions have been taken to store the User’s Personal Data in a secure environment and to prevent them from being deformed, damaged or an unauthorised third party having access to them. The Information transmitted by the User will never be transmitted to third parties for a commercial purpose or sold or exchanged.
The Content which is liable to contain Personal Data is reserved for exclusively for Users who generated them using the Key Words they selected.
In accordance with the Legislation on Personal Data the Data Subject have the following Specific Rights :
The User, like Alerti, undertakes to cooperate fully in order to enable the Data Subject to exercise their Specific Rights.
A. Access Rights
The Data Subjects can obtain confirmation from Alerti that the Personal Data concerning them is or is not the subject of Processing, and that when they are, the access to the said Personal Data and the following information :
If the Personal Data are transferred to a third-party country or to an international organisation, the Data Subject are entitled to be informed of appropriate guarantees regarding this transfer.
Alerti supplies a copy of the Personal Data which is the subject of Processing.
Alerti can require the payment of its reasonable costs based on administrative costs for any additional copy demanded by the data subject.
If the Data Subject makes his or her request by email the information is supplied in a common electronic format unless the Data Subject requests otherwise.
The right to obtain a copy of the Personal Data must not infringe third-party rights and freedoms.
B. Rectification rights
The Data Subject is entitled to have an incorrect Personal Data on him or her corrected by Alerti as quickly as possible. The Data Subject is also entitled to demand that incomplete Personal Data is completed including by providing a supplementary declaration.
C. Rights to erase
The Data Subject shall have the right to obtain from the Controller the erasure of Personal Data concerning him or her without undue delay for one of the following reasons:
D. Right to restrict Processing
The Data Subject shall have the right to obtain that Alerti restricts the Processing of his or her Personal Data were one of the following applies :
E. The rights to the portability of the User’s Personal Data
The User is entitled to receive the Personal Data concerning him or her from Alerti in a structured commonly used and machine-readable format when :
When the User exercises his or her right to data portability the User is entitled to have the Personal Data transmitted directly from Alerti to a Controller designated by the Data Subject when this is technically feasible.
The right to the portability of the Personal Data must not infringe third-party rights or freedoms.
F. The right to oppose
The Data Subject shall have the right to object, on grounds relating to his or her particular situation, at any time to Processing of Personal Data concerning him or her based on the User’s legitimate interest. Alerti shall no longer process the Personal Data unless the User demonstrates compelling legitimate grounds for the Processing which override the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject, Alerti and/or the User can conserve this Personal Data for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.
The User is informed that Alerti is entitled to filter using automated scripts all the Content of the Personal Data which the Data Subject have exercised their right to opposition over with Alerti.
The User can contact Alerti at any time in order to reintegrate the Personal Data of a Data Subject into the Content providing in validly complete and fully justifies this.
Alerti will contact the Data Subject beforehand to obtain consent his or her Content.
G. Post-mortem instructions
The Data Subject is able to give instructions relating to the conservation, erasure and communication of its Personal Data after his or her death and these instructions can also be recorded with a “certified trusted digital third party”. These instructions or “digital will” can designate a person who is responsible for performing them. In default, the Data Subject’s heirs will be designated.
If there are no instructions, these heirs can contact Alerti in order to :
In any event the Data Subject can inform Alerti at any time that he or she does not wish his or her Personal Data to be disclosed to a third party in the event of his or her death.
In order to exercise his or her Specific Rights with Alerti in order to if, necessary, obtain the oral reading of this Confidentiality Policy the Data Subject can and address his or her request :
The Data Subject must be able to prove his or her identity in order assert his or her Specific Rights, by mentioning his surname, first name, email address, and by accompanying the request with a copy of his or her identity card, unless the Data Subject makes the request on Alerti Website in his or her capacity as an Employee.
The reply will be sent to the Data Subject within a maximum period of one (1) month following the date of the receipt of his or her order.
If necessary, this time limit can be extended by two (2) months by Alerti, which will inform the Data Subject of this given the complexity and/or the number of requests.
If the Data Subject makes a request to delete the Personal Data and/or the Data Subject exercises its right to request the erasure of the Personal Data, Alerti can however conserve the Personal Data in Intermediate Archiving form for the period necessary for satisfying its legal, accounting and tax obligations.
The Data Subject can make a complaint to the competent supervisory body at any time (in France, the CNIL :
If the Data Subject wishes to send his or her request to the User they are asked to contact the User directly and in particular to consult his or her specific Confidentiality Policy.
A. General points
Alerti Website uses cookies.
A cookie is data which is stored on the Terminal which the User uses to access Alerti Website.
Cookies relate to the User’s browsing on the Alerti Website and record the pages the User visited and the date and time they were visited.
These cookies never enable Alerti to personally identify the User.
These cookies are stored on the User’s Terminal for a maximum of thirteen (13) months.
More specifically, the Personal Data collected from the cookies used by Alerti or third parties enables :
Alerti uses cookies to collect and process all or some of the following Personal Data for the above purposes :
B. Alerti’s Cookies
Alerti (credentials )
- role : distinction les Utilisateurs loggés
- Durarion : session ou 3 mois (se souvenir de moi)
Alerti (login )
- role : Used to distinguish multiple sessions by the same User
- Durarion : Length of the session or 3 months if “remember me” has been ticked "
Alerti (sessions )
- role : Used to differentiate browsing sessions
- Durarion : Duration of the session
C. Third party cookies
Google analytics
- role : Differentiate Users and sessions
- duration : 13 months
- Privacy Policy :
Google analytics
- role : Identify new sessions
- duration : 30 min
- Privacy Policy :
Google analytics
- role : Backup new sources of traffic
- duration : 6 months
- Privacy Policy :
- role : dentify the single Clients behind a shared IP and apply security parameters per Client
- duration : 12 months
- Privacy policy :
- role : Backup the Zopim channel ID across devices
- duration : 12 months
- Privacy policy :
- role : Analyser use of the service and its features
- durée : 12 months
- Privacy policy :
- role : analyse use of the service and its features
- duration : 7 days
- Privacy policy :
New relic (nreum)
- role : Analyse page loading time, the start of the Client session, condition of the site
- duration : session
- Privacy policy :
New relic (nragnt)
- role : Analyse page loading time, the start of the Client session, condition of the site
- duration : session
- Privacy policy :
D. Objection to cookies
The net surfer and/or the User are informed during their first visit, that they can object to the storage of cookies which are incidental to operating operational Alerti Website by configuring their web browser to do this and or by making their choices on this page (see below).
Information is liable to be recorded or read in the User’s Terminal, subject to the choices made by the User, when the netsurfer and/or User browses on the Alerti Website.
You can find more help on the dedicated pages in your browser (the most common browsers are listed below) :
The User can also parameterise his or her browser so that it sends a code indicating the websites which he/she does not want to be tracked by (“Do No Track”) : :
Please note that our Services use the YouTube API. YouTube’s developer terms require us to notify you that our Services use YouTube API Services (i.e. data from YouTube) and to link to the YouTube privacy statement